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I enjoy working with you because you are motivating, kind, and inspiring.

You are always trying new things in the workouts you develop and the tools you use. 

You always try to help me improve my fitness and achieve my goals.

You genuinely seem to care not only about your clients but anyone who is near you in the gym.

~Gail M.

Why I worked with Mike?

I was lucky enough to stumble upon Mike when I signed up for a Lifetime Challenge. At that time I

needed someone to hold me accountable and get me back into the swing of working out hard and really pushing myself. So getting to work with Mike was kismet, but staying with Mike was not. One of his favorite stories is that upon signing with him, I said, “let’s give it a month and we will see how it goes”. Our PT/Client relationship lasted over 3 years. I stayed because he quickly assessed my abilities, he is good at tailoring his technique to each particular client, it is not a “one size fits all thing”. He learned how to challenge me, he paid attention to what I said and constantly gave me the challenge I needed, and what I needed was a challenge, not a patsy to stroke my ego.


What sets Mike apart?

Working with Mike resulted in a better physical me. I have worked out my whole life, I did not come to

Mike a train wreck physically, but not a rock star either. I have encounter many a personal trainers

through my years, and in the end, I worked out more on my own, than I ever spent working out with a

trainer. Then I met Mike. He took on what I wanted and we conquered in bite size pieces, he came up

with a good training plan, then we took on nutrition and as I started to get stronger, leaner, better, he

continue to tweak my plan, which resulted in more positive change and never allowing me to plateau or

become board. Having the ability to continue to challenge, adapt, and create positive change in his

clients for a long stretch of time, makes him far better and different from any of the trainers I



Why did I work with Mike?

I trusted him. I was the skeptic at first, but he gained my trust with his knowledge and his approach. He

is a physically strong and a built man, this can be a bit intimidating for a client, some thoughts that may

cross your mind when you see him is, “oh he looks like one of those gym meat heads”, but he is not.

Shame on me for judging the book by its cover. He is humble in his position and unassuming. He never

makes you feel like he is judging you or disappointed by you. He has a good natural way of pushing you

toward success in an encouraging manner.


Why would I chose Mike over the rest?

I got lucky, but looking back if it was solely my choice, I still would have chosen Mike. No one likes to

admit it, but our first impression of people is by their appearance, and Mike looks the part. I have

encountered trainers before that I was fitter than, that did instill in me a lot confidence, in their training

ability. So without having to give Mike a chance, his fitness automatically gives you the feeling that he

knows something about what he is doing. Once you get past the physical aspect of people, to stay, there must be more depth. With Mike there is, he has a wide understanding of his whole field. He is

professional and forever increasing his knowledge.


I unfortunately am no longer working with Mike and this has nothing to do with his ability as a

professional. Under quarantine I learned to workout at home and the one thing it taught me was that

working out at home saved me a lot of time. The toughest part of deciding to leave my gym and build a

home gym, was knowing that I would also being leaving Mike.

~Martha-Dee S.

For the age group you are targeting, my age,  our being able to Move and go about our daily lives and to do it confidently , being able to trust our bodies will support us, is our main goal. Any other benefit is a Bonus. 


You don't know everything and what you don't know you research, ask questions and understand how to best help your client. I am eternally grateful for all of the obstacles you have helped me through.


You are dedicated, PATIENT, and compassionate as well as passionate at what you do. That is very rare today. Not everyone goes the extra mile like you do and that is what sets you apart from the rest.

~Mary T.

I have chosen to work with you because you always find a way to challenge me and others in a unique way that allows everyone to make the most of their training and feel like each person is getting exactly what they need from their session.

Having worked with you in many different types of setting (individual, small group and large group) I have seen you change and/or modify the training to make sure everyone was getting the most out of the training no matter of ability, injury or need.

You listen to your clients and get to know them as people and friends and know when to challenge or push them and when they need a rest workout.

You always are more interested in what is best for your clients rather than selling the newest or most expensive product.

~Paula M.

So many things:

1. Your a professional

2. Well educated on nutrition&fitness

3. You care 

4. You motivate 

5. Friendly 

6. Approachable 

7. Patient and Honest

8. You challenge me 

9. Great personality 

10. Effortless workouts , keep them coming. I look forward to them.

~Daniela C.

Mike took the time to understand the history of my injuries and nutritional habits before starting any training. He then ran me through an evaluation to assess my fitness level to make sure he could customize the best plan for me.


He takes the time to make sure he builds a program based on the training and nutrition goals of the individual he is working with. Mike gives you tools to be successful in your fitness journey, while holding you accountable for progress.


Mike makes himself available for questions or coaching whenever you need him. He will push your limits physically but also mentally.


I have come to realize, with Mike’s help, that weight loss and fitness is a marathon not a sprint. Not only does he work with you to fix your body but also your mind. He makes sure you are set up for success. Mike helps you understand how to “Trust the process” by explaining the “why” behind everything he does.


I would recommend him as a trainer to anyone looking for help.

~Nicole F.

You are knowledgeable so I feel confident that when I ask a question I am going to get a response that is accurate and complete. If you do not know, you will be upfront and say you will research and get back to me. And you actually get back to me with a response.


You have a positive attitude and make me a part of the process. I feel a sense of accountability.


You listen and hear my concerns. Always very helpful.


There is a plan and goals to achieve.  


One on ones - you pay attention and you aren’t distracted or on your phone.


I would choose you again based on your knowledge base, your overall great attitude (including knowing when to be that mean trainer) and your ability to listen and communicate.

~Francine H.

-I like that you are hands on correcting technique in the work out

-positive attitude

-felt encouraged to keep working hard and showing up

-knowledgeable and approachable about questions I had in working out or nutrition

~Jeannie K.

-why you have/had chosen to work with me?


There are a number of reasons why I gravitate towards you. You lean in to your clients, you given them your attention when you are with them and you listen closely to what they say to you. Then you diagnosis things quickly and adapt to your client vs force them into a set routine. You unlock your clients.


Another amazing attribute you have is flexibility in how you set  up training. You can make up fun and exciting programs for things like metcon that keep them interesting and ever evolving. Most other trainers sink into whatever the last trainer did or some set routine, you don't, you make things up based on your class. 


-what do I provide that sets me apart from other fitness/nutrition/wellness pros?


My guess would be that aside from an outstanding trainer with the right type of personality to handle evolving situations yet keep them organized and moving is that your scientific back ground lends itself to how you approach understanding the human body and what works for it. Its not just something someone else is doing it is more thought through, systematic and thorough. 


-why do/did you continue to work with me?


You are effective in getting my stubborn ass to listen and actually do things correctly. I am not the easiest person in that I push myself hard and sometimes not for the best reasons, and you get it and know how to engage me at a higher level. That works for me.


-why would you choose me out of a line up of professionals?


Ya, well, it aint your good looks thats for damn sure.

~Brian R.

-why you have/had chosen to work with me?


Your vast and diverse experience as well as your expertise in those areas.


-what do I provide that sets me apart from other fitness/nutrition/wellness pros?


You take time to get to know all of your clients to not only understand our goals but to understand the best way for us to achieve them.


-why do/did you continue to work with me?


By following your guidance achieving and maintaining my goals was always possible. 


-why would you choose me out of a line up of professionals?


You're a human being and understand that not every day will be a banner day either fitness or nutrition wise, however you manage to motivate without discouraging to help guide us back on track.

~Brendan M.

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